Head & Neck Cancer screening
Head and neck cancers refer to an assemblage of biologically related cancers, which devise in the upper aerodigestive tract. This tract embraces the lip, nasal cavity, oral cavity, para-nasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx. An out sized majority of cancers that start in the head and neck region have the potential to spread to other portions of the body, which is why they must be cured as early as possible. Such cancers generally spread via the lymph system or via the blood stream. If perceived early, head and neck cancers are extremely remediable.
Head & Neck Cancer screening
Head and neck cancers refer to an assemblage of biologically related cancers, which devise in the upper aerodigestive tract. This tract embraces the lip, nasal cavity, oral cavity, para-nasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx. An out sized majority of cancers that start in the head and neck region have the potential to spread to other portions of the body, which is why they must be cured as early as possible. Such cancers generally spread via the lymph system or via the blood stream. If perceived early, head and neck cancers are extremely remediable.
However, in maximum circumstances, ENT specialists generally advise a treatment plan comprising of surgery, in blend with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Head and neck cancers make up practically 30% of cancers amid Indians. The major offenders are chewing tobacco, betel nut, paan, smoking cigarettes and consuming extreme liquor. Another threat factor is an infection with the HPV which upsurges the risk of throat cancer.
Head and Neck Cancer Symptoms
- A sore in the mouth that has not cured for over 3 weeks
- Bleeding, pain or numbness in the nose or mouth
- Trouble in chewing and swallowing
- Persistent alteration of voice
- Trouble in opening the mouth
- Facial, neck or ear pain
- A swelling in the neck
Head and Neck Cancer Symptoms
- A sore in the mouth that has not cured for over 3 weeks
- Bleeding, pain or numbness in the nose or mouth
- Trouble in chewing and swallowing
- Persistent alteration of voice
- Trouble in opening the mouth
- Facial, neck or ear pain
- A swelling in the neck
Having any of these symptoms does not mean you have cancer, but if you notice one or more of them for more than two weeks, please search for head and neck cancer screening near me, see a doctor and opt for head and neck cancer screening tests. Our clinic is utterly dedicated to the patients who are struggling with head and neck cancers, comprising of cancers of the throat, nose, larynx, sinuses and mouth. Head and neck cancers are quite different as they affect how you eat, speak, mingle and express yourself. At Advance ENT & Allergy Centre, We have a best head and neck cancer screening doctor in Gurgaon.
Welcome to ENT and allergy centre
Scheduling An Appointment
Meet with Dr. Arpit Sharma at the Advance ENT and allergy center if you have ear, nose, or throat issues and are searching for the top ENT doctor in Gurgaon.
Welcome to ENT and allergy centre
Scheduling An Appointment
Meet with Dr. Arpit Sharma at the Advance ENT and allergy center if you have ear, nose, or throat issues and are searching for the top ENT doctor in Gurgaon.